November 5 to 7, 2024 | Jaarbeurs, Utrecht


Do you want to put your company on the map among thousands of advisors and decision-makers in the logistics sector? Or is your focus on generating new leads, maintaining relationships, or presenting your innovation(s)?

Then exhibit at ICT&Logistiek, the logistics hub of the Netherlands. ICT&Logistiek will take place from November 5th to 7th, 2024, at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht.

Contact us for the remaining available locations.

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Participation options

Step 1: determine and discuss your objectives

Is your focus on generating new leads? Is re­la­tion­ship management important, or are you primarily concerned with increasing brand awareness? We’re happy to brainstorm with you.

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Step 2: choose your location

You can choose from a row location, corner location, head location, and island location. Ad­di­tion­ally, you can opt for a prime location. Contact us for the available locations.

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Step 3: choose your par­ti­cip­a­tion package

Participate in the fair without the hassle of hiring a stand builder yourself? Choose one of our standard par­ti­cip­a­tion packages.

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Step 4: make use of the Event Planner

Find new leads among the suggested connections and maximize your company’s profile.

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Step 5: maximize your par­ti­cip­a­tion

The par­ti­cip­a­tion package includes a basic branding package by default. Determine your objectives and opt for an upgrade.

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Step 6: increase your impact

For market leaders looking to establish themselves as thought leaders in the sector, giving a present­a­tion is a great addition to par­ti­cip­a­tion. Inquire about the pos­sib­il­it­ies.

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View all streets and pavilions

Start-Up Street

Do you help build the future of logistics, with innovations that successfully contribute to solving major logistics challenges? ICT&Logistiek 2024 features a Start-Up Street, offering a great podium to new, innovative companies.

You can meet end users and top companies face to face, to discover growth opportunities and create value together.

Given the limited number of spots, we advise you to contact us if you are interested to discuss the possibilities.

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Cyber Security Pavilion

The logistics sector is increasingly digitising, which makes it an interesting target for cyber attacks. Still, cyber security is not a priority for many companies. They lack knowledge and a sense of urgency.

Are you a prominent player in the cyber security sector and do you want to talk to (co-)decision makers from the logistics sector? Participate in the Cyber Security Pavilion at ICT&Logistiek 2024.

Given the importance of this subject and the limited number of spots, we advise you to contact us if you are interested to discuss the possibilities.

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Sustainable impact

The new European legislation requires transparency from your company about its sustainability efforts. Jaarbeurs helps you as an exhibitor to comply with this new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). From the Sustainable participation package, separating waste during set-up and dismantling days to sustainable catering.

More information

We are ready for you

Would you like to know how ICT&Logistiek can help with successful participation? We are happy to think along with you about marketing objectives, participation options and other matters surrounding your company at ICT&Logistiek.

Sharon Scheper

Marc Nelisse